Welcome to Discovery Garden

We have provided information about this unique housing development in Osun state in this brochure. We currently have Fully Built Show Home For Sale. However, if you require additional information and or would like a site visit, please contact us through email or the numbers provided.

In putting together Discovery Garden, we plan to meet the aspirations of those that want a secure and comfortable house ‘back home’ without having to go through the pains of developing one. We envisage a community of like-minded people committed to good living and neighbourliness. Design and concept is underpinned by safety, security and a sense of a family friendly and inter-generational community.

We have currently released only 14 semi-detached houses for sale.

Make Discovery Garden your home for now and the future.



we do not belittle your ambitions..

Discovery Garden Community
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Osogbo - The state of Osun
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Iyeru Houses (Detached)
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Semi Detached - Omoluabi houses
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